The beginning

I can’t remember exactly what sparked the idea, or even  where I began the search but I’d seen the image of a car  years ago and suddenly I was sitting at my kitchen table, family asleep upstairs, prodding the shiney iPhone screen trying to find out what had been tucked away in my mind for years.

After a big of research, remembering only that this thing was square, had 4 “headlights” and looked fairly aggressive, to my surprise i discovered I was hunting for a car from the same manufacturer as my school run fun bus. It was a Nissan.

Now when I say “hunting”, I was literally just hunting for information, for confirmation of what the car was. When I found some images, I was again amazed at how good the it looked, yes it’s old, but it has a presence that would catch the eye among any collection. So what exactly was this memory I’d had tucked away? It was a Nissan, yes, but it this was not the same as my sanitised, reliable everyday Qashqai, no.

It was a Hakosuka.

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